

Turbulence uses the frame-rate (FPS) set in the project settings (Edit > Project Settings). Take care when using a different frame-rate for the renderer (Render Settings > Output > Frame Rate). The fluid will not be in sync with the rest of the animation when using different frame-rates.

Time Scale

This value controls how fast time will pass for the simulation. At 1.0, the simulation will run at the same speed as the animation. Values below 1.0 slow the simulation down, values above 1.0 speed it up.

You can for example animate this value down to 0.0 to create bullet-time-like animations.

Frame Range

specifies what part of the time-line to simulate.

The settings work just like those in CINEMA's Render Settings in the Output section. All Frames simulates the whole timeline. Preview Range simulates the range selected in the editor's preview slider. Manual allows you to enter different start and end frames for the simulation.


Specifies the start frame for the simulation.


Specifies the end frame for the simulation.

Start Clean Simulation

Clear all channels before starting the simulation at the frame specified above.

Load Simulation State From File

If Start Clean Simulation is unchecked, channels will be initialized from the file specified here. The file may be any .bcf file from a TurbulenceFD cache directory. Channels that are not available in the .bcf file will be cleared as if Start Clean Simulation was checked. See the parameters in the Cache tab for information about how to control which channels are saved to the disk cache.

Continue Simulation From File

If checked, the next simulation run will load the state from the file specified above and jump to the frame following the one cached to the file. Use this to continue a simulation at any cached frame, possibly after changing some parameters.